Frequently Asked Questions...

What about payment and fees?


We offer you not binding consultation to give you enough space and information so that you examine carefully your needs and motivation for plastic surgery. For this 30 minute talk with a doctor, we charge 200 CZK. Individual needs determine the length of the discussion so that at the end of it, you are totally informed and no questions remain unaswered. This includes also the exact final sum you will pay for the whole cosmetic surgery and in case you book a certain date, it becomes obligatory and unchangeable.

Common procedure fees differ in relation to the “complexity” of the patient, his specific wish and preoperative finding in the surgical area. In most cases, we follow the price list. According to the individual and local finding, the taxes can be lower or higher than those of the price list.

All following postoperative check-ups, rebandages are included in the final price, as well as anesthesia, surgical intervention, used material (e.g. breast implants), medicine including pain-killers, which you will receive at your departure, but also the whole hospital stay with meals. Of course, our assistant will discuss the prices with you, but this will be nothing more than a rough guess. The exact final sum can be fixed only after a consultation with a doctor.

Deposit on the surgery date
Once you have booked a fixed date for your operation, we will ask you to leave a deposit – 1/3 of the final sum. This payment is in most cases due in a fortnight’s time and can be made in cash, via postal money order drawn by us or payment order on clinic’s account in common currencies.

The remaining sum will be paid in cash directly in our clinic before or on the very day of your arrival.

Surgical interventions made for the correction of cosmetic imperfections are not covered by health insurance and so far by no supplementary insurance either. The exceptions are those that have a cause or they themselves cause clearly proved long-lasting health problems.

For this reason, as for cosmetic surgery you have no claim to invalidity and therefore the time needed is to be taken from your holidays or unpaid time off. In the same way, the patient himself ought to pay for the preoperative check, the price of a complete examination before narcosis should not exceed 600 CZK.